Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sense of achievement

While facing something difficult and stumbling into problems, sometimes we wish that we should have never embark on this project/job/etc. At this point our patience is tested. It is a t such point of time that I feel closest to Allah. I know Allah is always there waiting for me to ask him for help. I'm never deserted in times of needs. People would sometimes leave you alone in times of needs. Even our best friends or spouse would disappoint us at times. It is in time of crisis that
we feel close to Allah.

Some people take problems negatively. Blaming god for our fate. But fate is fruit of our actions. If we had tried harder, we would got better result. If we use fertilizer, our plant would grow better. At times things did not happen as we had expected. That's because there are better things in store for us. Just have the patience to see what's in store for us. That's what always happen to me. I would always say "Alhamdulillah things are turning this way even though this is not what I plan in the first place". There are always hikmah or good reason behind everything that happen. If we think positively then we will be a happy person. If we think negatively then we choose to kill ourself slowly and that's a pity. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, says that a muslim is always salimah or in good condition because if things are bad then he/she will turn to Allah and feel contented. And if things are good he/she will thanks Allah and Allah will grant more to him/her. I would like to think that I am in the state of salimah. Praise be to Allah.

May Allah bless us all.

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