Sunday, July 26, 2009

Internal vs external drive

"Son. Can I ask you one question. Why do you always operate based on external things rather than internal?" My son was quiet for a while.

Dressing up and grooming his hair, he has two mirror to help him. One to see the reflection of the back of his head, to see whether there is any strand of hair that misbehave and is out of place. What other people will say. What other people will think of him. I care how I look too but not to please others. I dress up according to Muslim dressing code. I know what Allah prescribe is best for me, in term of appearance or safety.

Why do you do things? What drive you? What make you move? Your parents? Friends? Teachers? The people around us inspire us, yes, but we must rely on ourselves the most. Pushing ourselves to the limits. Doing something because we want to do it. Not because others want to us to do it.

I have had instances when other people instruct me to do something against my liking. I'll study the pros and cons. There are things that seem impossible for me but then I rationalize myself. Would I gain something if I do it? If I would benefit then I will change it into a personal quest. Changing an external push into internal drive. Making an instruction into a personal mission. A change of perspective. But it makes a world of difference. It mean changing our attitude from a subordinate to a self manager. And that will change the environment of the working place (if in a working place setting) into a positive one.

We have a choice to torture ourselves by being negative or enjoy what we are doing by having a positive mind setting. Pick your choice. I choose to live as happily as I possibly can. By being sakinah or contented all the time. By surrendering myself completely to Allah.

May Allah bless us all.

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