Saturday, March 21, 2009

Take time to think

In this modern life, time is not a luxury but a constrain. Those who manage to use it wisely are the ultimate winners. We always look forward to the future but seldom think about the past. Have we done it right? Was there a better choice that we should have taken instead? If he or she is still alive how should I do differently? Shouldn't I take that chance or risk?

The past is the past. Time is the most valuable thing in the world (as stated in chapter Al-Asr in the holy Qur'an) because once you lose it, it will never come back. But the past serve to prepare us better for the future; that is if we learn from its lessons. If we learn from the past, there will never be a third world war (or will there be one after all?). Those who learn from the past will be better prepared for the future. Will be a lot wiser. Will make less mistake (though mistake is inevitable because human being is full of weaknesses).

So take time to sit down and do some thinking. Grasp back what you are losing slowly. Like friendship or the love from your spouse. Take that chance. Whatever. Hopefully when we sit down to think some time in the future, we can contentedly say to ourselves that we have done our best. The result might not be as good as we expected, but we are satisfied because we have done our best. So take your time to think. May Allah bless you with wisdom. Amin.


  1. abang long is one of a nice poser!! hehee

  2. Yes, he is. Even though did not know he make a good model for me.
