Friday, June 24, 2011

My son

"He is not concentrating in class. He used to be my star student but after his trip to Paris, he seems to be uninterested in his study. We teachers are wondering whether he had any problem at home". I had the same complaint last year after a similar trip to Paris. What problem does a six years old boy has? Thinking too much about games I guess. Appreciating his teacher's concern about his study, I don't want to pressure a six year old boy too much who is suppose to enjoy his times as a kid. But at the same time I don't want the present problem to go unsolved.

I discussed with his sister and brothers. All of us agreed that we should spend some times for his lessons and kindergarten's home works. Doing his school works with him. I bought a workbook for him to do at home. His favourite brother, Arif, reported that he need to be strict with Aiman to make sure he finish his homework. He really has problem to focus.

Then we changed our tactics. Every time he asked to buy a new toy we will ask him whether he has study well or not. Then he will list the things that he has achieved so far and we will praise him for all his progresses. His self esteem is on the rise. I always try to convey to him that if we study hard we will stand to gain a lot of things. I want him to study because he want to study, not because of all the goodies he will receive if he study. The goodies are just a bonus, not the the drive or the purpose.

Today, after watching the tv he said to himself that he wanted to study hard so that he will excel. It was as though the words just suddenly crossed his heart. I thank Allah for this. Allah has always answered my prayers. Now he is consciously studying for the his own benefits, not for the goodies.

Education is a long journey, either to my kids or to my students. I know giving my very best as a teacher, Allah will give the best to my kids. Allah has always been kind to me.

May Allah bless us all.


  1. Hello Ummu Ilman, Ethan having the same problem, for the past few days, he has been asking me to let him play computer game. I introduce him to it as to let him learn to use the mouse, but now everyday, coming back from nursery he will asked for the computer games. We let him play a while but not just computer games, instead educational computer games as a replacement. It is true that we can get addicted to computer games, students in school are facing it.

  2. Yes. WE just to set the rules and conditions. In every problem, the best policy is a win-win policy. He get to play educational computer games at the specified times, we get to educate and discipline him. Good luch to all parents... me especially.
