To me there are basically two types of problems, one that we can solve and another one that we have no power to do anything about it (like the death of loved one). In the face of problem, think of ways to solve it. List down all the options that we have. Pick the best one and try it out. If it doesn't work well, try another options.
There could be many reasons why things didn't work out:
1. maybe Allah has something better in store for us,
2. maybe someone else deserve it better than us,
3. maybe we didn't try hard enough,
4. maybe we have overlook certain things,
5. maybe we take certain thing for granted,
6. maybe we didn't plan properly,
7. maybe in our haste we took shoddy short cut
In Islam, we muslims are accounted for our actions, not the results. What that means? It means Allah wants us to try our best, nothing less than the best. The result is not in our hand, but in Allah's hand. Just try our best and leave the rest to Allah.
For problems that's out of our control, have patience. I know it is difficult to be patience but it has its own sweet rewards. A worker that is not trusted and not given important job but remain patience and do his/her best, will be noticed sooner or later. When time has matured, that worker will be given his/her due respect. Just do our work properly and have faith in Allah's justice. A fruit a product of our toil is much more valuable that the fruit that we can easily buy from the market.
Just have patience. The sweet moments of reaping our sow is just incomparable. May Allah bless us.
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