If a ship is sunken by a great storm and an atheist is clinging to a piece of plank for his dear life, he will ask help from the very god that he used to deny the existence. Every soul knows that there is one and only god. Only the stubborn mind try to deny it.
I have watched a YouTube when a man describes his soulful journey. He was an atheist all right. His new born baby had a terrible heart condition that the doctor said he had a few days to live. Then the man silently prayed to god. "Oh God. If you exist please show your existence by making my baby ok. I desperately want this baby. Please answer my prayer and I promised I will find you and devote myself to you".
The baby miraculously was ok after that to the surprised of all the doctors. The man understood that god has reached out to him. He began his long, long journey in search of the true almighty god. He went to all the major church and met all the major priest but nobody can give satisfactory answers to his questions. Questions that stem out of his study of the bible and the old testament. That journey took him eight years. Then he turn his quest for the truth by studying Islam. Here, he found no contradiction that he so often found in christianity. Today, he is a muslim scholar.
We are so absorb with our heavy schedule and problems that we failed to take notice of all the wonders around and inside us. The signs are everywhere. Signs of Allah. Maher Zain is a prolific song writer. He wrote all his lyrics. There were all so powerful because they were written from the heart - a heart that recognize, love, and submit to Allah. All his lyrics moved me to tears. And a whole lot of many other people too. The lyrics OPEN YOUR EYES has caused a few people to convert to Islam. Simply because the lyrics had answered all yearning and quest for the truth that had been buried inside the heart. All the questions that had been silenced all these while but the lyrics had managed to unlock it.
Let's not deny what's in front of us. May Allah bless us all.
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