I have long learned not to be bothered too much by the things that I can't do anything about it. Like if your boss is moody and you see him/her to discuss something without being aware of his/her temperament at that point of time. You end up not having a good discussion or even having a bad experience. You just have to learn to read the cues when the time is right. We learn from experience. The point is, don't get too upset over something that you have no control over it. Such experience is bound to happen once in a while.
How does that keep your hearth healthy? By not making your hearth overworked by pumping too much blood in such short time. If you are upset, that what will happen. It can cause high blood pressure without you realizing it.
For muslim, we are always or try to be in the state salimah or peace. We attribute all the bad experience to the test that Allah has given us in order to make us learn something, gain new knowledge or skill, or simply to make us stronger. Never get upset too easily. That's not an attribute of a true muslim. Like the case of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (p.b.u.h). A non muslim female neighbour always throw rubbish at his front door every morning. He never scolded her. And when he noticed that there was no rubbish for a day or two, he wondered what happen to the lady. He gave her a visit and found out that she was sick. He did every thing he can to relieve her of her burden as a good neighbour as though she had never done anything wrong to her. She eventually convert to Islam.
Following Prophet Muhammad's (p.b.u.h) foot steps I did the same thing too. I was scolded once by my junior as though I'm the junior. I was just posted back to my old school after finishing my study leave for two years. She wasn't in that school when I left but I guess now she's more 'senior' than me since I'm just reentering. I accepted some of the points even though I think she misunderstood me but I question her method of conveying her message. Like scolding a school girl, not someone older than you yourself. It was tough meeting her at the corridor after the first few days but I still nodded to her to acknowledge her existence. She was all smiling when she had to come to me for help. I willingly helped her.
I can choose to make foe with her but that's not good for the working environment and for my hearth. I don't want to feel so tighten inside every time I see her. The well being of my hearth is more important than her. I just hope that everyone reading this article will understand this too.
Just be patient. If we are on the right side Allah is always there for us. So why bother about things that you can't control? It'll not change anything anyway. Just concentrate on things that you CAN control like improving your weaknesses, learning from previous mistakes and the such. Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said a good muslim is someone who is better today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today. Meaning we have to keep on improving ourselves. So don't just brush aside critics cause there could be so truth in it. We can only improve if realize out weaknesses. Weaknesses that others will see better than us ourselves.
Lead a good life. May Allah bless us all.
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