I was igniting my car's engine when I noticed her. A women cladded in long dress or jubah and wearing a long veil or tudung. Both her hands were full. She was holding plastic bags. Holding her head down she walked slowly. I can't catch a glimpse of her face so I can't assess her age. But her slow pace suggests that she's not a young lady. I drove my car and as I was passing her I slowed down and wind down my window. I asked her if I can give her a lift. Her face lifted with enjoyment but she was still unsure. She told me that her house is a few blocks away and she's afraid it might be troubling me. What is a few blocks away if you are driving a car. Piece of cake. I insist that she hop in or I would feel guilty just letting her walk under the hot sun. Along the short journey she told me that she just came back from the hospital. She went there in a friend's car and came back riding a bus. The plastic bags contained packed lunch for her and her son. They are staying together and her son don't have a proper job yet. After asking my name she asked me my destination. To my class I said. I told her to drop into my house the next time she hop down from a bus and have a drink first before I send her home. After finding out I'm still studying she mutter a prayer or doa for me wishing me success in this world and the hereafter (akhirah). I thanked her profusely for her doa. It's the best gift anybody can give to me because the doa from a person in trouble is among the best doa that Allah will easily granted because it comes deep from their sincere heart and there's no hijab or barrier between the doa and Allah. The prayer she said for me is the best prayer or doa anyone can give to me. Amin.
There are many magical moments that I has wasted but alhamdulillah I didn't waste this one. Its the moment when you can reach people right to their heart. If we let the magical moment just pass by us, it will never comes back. You just have to wait for the next one to come along. Keep on waiting for that moment. May Allah bless you!