The hopeful faces of students when I announced another addition to my SPECTRA program this year brighten the morning. I have conducted the SPECTRA for two years whereby if the students can increase their overall percentage from mid year to final by at least 4% they will be awarded a certificate. There are three categories of certificate - bronze, silver and gold, depending on how much they can increase their overall percentage. Not many can get gold certificate because there must be a minimum of 10% increase. There are also certificate for highest increase in each class, highest increase in each form and class with the highest increase of CGPA.
It is during the certificate giving ceremony that you can see the bright faces of students from the smartest to the students from the last class of each form. Nothing is impossible in this program because students are not competing against each other but they are competing against their previous performance. So everyone got a chance to win. You can hear loud clap from the audience when weak students or naughty students coming up to the stage to proudly receive their certificate. Perhaps now the naughty students has found new venues to channel their energy - to increase their performance in school.
The program means a lot to me just as it means a lot to the kids. It is the first time ever they got to be rewarded academically (not just in sport) even though they are weak students. It provide them the hope the self respect they never thought they could attain before. That pride is something that money can't buy. Now they can start to believe in themselves, daring to hope to reach a higher plane. Their bright faces are my reward. And my inner satisfaction. Thank you Allah for choosing me to be the vehicle of hope for these kids.
Today I announced a new dimension to the program. I'm creating a new type of certificate - for 'young teachers'. Smart kids can register to me to guide one to three peers either from the same class or from other classes. They can guide their peers in subjects that they are strong in. It could be one subject or more. Young teachers certificate is awarded to them if their peers' grade are improved. Many students have already taken the form from me today. Some have already submitted their forms, registering to guide three peers that mostly got grade E of G (fail). I can see new hopes and new achievement. May Allah makes it a smooth one for the kids and for me.
May Allah bless us all with wisdom.
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