Where did I put it? Surely I must have put it somewhere. I lost my car key. It was the countless time I lost my things. What will I say to my husband? Try to remember the last time you hold it. That's what they always say. Think and recall. Well, that doesn't seem to work this time. OK. Time to sit down and doa or pray to Allah.
Ya Allah. I turn to you now as I always do in small or big matter. I seek only your help, Ya Allah, since you are the almighty. The one and only. Please let me find my car key again.
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute. He begetteth not, nor He begotten. And there is none like unto Him (Al Ikhlas : verse 1-4).
Then a thought cross my mind. Well, why don't you go and check in the car. Alright. The key is not inside the ignition hole. It's not anywhere easily seen in the car. Maybe I should check under Aiman's car seat. Well, there it is. Lying on Aiman's car seat. Who would have thought to search for it there?
As soon as we enter the car, the rain pour down heavily. My kids need to get to school. Ya Allah, please help me. Please ease me in my chore. Only to you I turn to. When we get near the school, the rain was subsiding. Thank you Allah for answering my prayer. My kids got out of the car and ran towards school. Once they were out of sight, I drove back home. It was then that the rain went back to its heavy state, raining heavily. Subhanallah, Allah is glorious! You granted my doa. Alhamdulillah, praise be to you Allah.
Of course there are times when our doa is not granted. That's because Allah has something better for us. Other times our doa is granted long after we asked for it for Allah knows better what is the best time for it.
Everyday my life is full of doa. Not just in prayer or after it though that's among the best time for it. Allah is always near to us but we always forget that. We forget to doa. According to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, peace be upon him, doa is the weapon for Muslims. So my fellow Muslims, always doa in your car for a safe journey, in your office when you stumble with problems, when you forget something. Doa for everything. For non Mulims, pray to the one and only god for he is almighty.
MAy Allah give us guidance. May Allah bless us all.
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