It was my first time. I didn't know what to expect. We arrived at RA center right on time. The center places 30 inmates. Some are pregnant, some are nurturing below one month babies, and some have given up their babies for adoption. They are girls that got pregnant out of wedlock. Most of them were sent there by their family members.
We took our places in front of the girls. After Ros opened the session with chapter Al Fatiha, I gave my tazkirah (reminder)... no. I declared to the girls I'm not any better than them to give tazkirah. Talk? I'm not knowledgable enough to give a talk. I just want to remind myself and I would like to share the reminder with the girls.
I began with praising Allah, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (p.b.u.h), his ahlul bait or family members, his sahabah/companions and all those that has passed down Islam until it reaches us. I drew everybody's attention to the signs of the greatness of Allah. Just how many human being that have lived on earth? Uncountable. So how is it that everyone has a distinctly unique finger print? Unthinkable. That's just how great Allah is.
What is the biggest animal on earth? The blue whale. What is it's size? One house? No, much bigger. One football field? Bigger. So how come the blue whale can only eat tiny plankton? Even the size of a ball can't get through its lung. Why? Well, what if Allah decides the blue whale can eat big things like fish. What will happen? The ocean will dry out of fish and other sea food for sure. That's why blue whale can only eat plankton.
When we look at a white board we will the notice the black spots here and there. We fail to notice the vast whiteness of the board. Allah has given us so much. So much. But we always tent to look at negative things. We always forget all the pleasure that Allah has given us.
Then I go through the lyrics of a nasyeed named Muhasabah Cinta - checking our love. In times of happiness we always forget Allah. We even use the good health that Allah has given us to do things that He forbid. But when we are in big trouble and nobody else can help us, we will automatically turn to Allah. Even an atheist will seek help from god in time of danger. In sorrow and in times of test we will put up beautiful, lovely words asking help from Allah. And when Allah takes us out of it we will easily forget Allah back. So we need to Muhasabah Cinta - check back our love to Allah. We must give undivided love to Allah for He is our sustainer. In times of good and bad, our love to Allah must always be pure and sincere.
Attaching a powerful speaker to my MacBook, we sing the nasyeed together twice. Some of the girls cried. Tears that roll down because fear of Allah or love for Allah are tears that will protect its owner from the hell fire. Ooo Allah, bless all the girls in front of me. Maybe in the hereafter they are better than me, I don't know. Please give us all a good ending. Die loving you Allah and you loving us. Ameen.
May Allah bless us all.
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