Another usrah session on friday with my girls at the school's musolla or surau. I'm expecting one of the form three girls would present but it turned out no one was given the assignment. Some miscommunication between me and my committee members. To me it mean I have not conveyed my instruction clearly to my secretary. Just like what my principle always said in our weekly meeting, if there is any problem that arises it mean she is at fault. Always look inside ourselves first.
In my impromptu presentation, I told the girls to always believe that everything is possible with Allah's help. Don't ever think that I'm not clever like that girl. Or that I cannot score in this subject. Or the such. It only shows that we do not trust Allah enough.
Imam Hassan Al Banna spent a lot of time spreading Islam. To the extent of going to pub to preach. He end up not fully prepared for his final exam. But on the night before his final paper he dreamt that a man in white robe came to him. The man instructed him to open a kitab or book at certain pages. Then they went through it together. Imam Hassan Al Banna was studying in his sleep. On the next day when he opened up his exam paper he found out those pages that he studied in his dream last night came out in the exam. He passed with flying colours.
Allah's help can come in many forms. Never loose hope and always pray to Allah to help us in every endeavor. Put all our hope and dependance on Allah and Allah alone. I hope my girls understand this.
After the usrah session some of the girls followed me to my car. Opening up the car boot, I asked the girls to choose any books that they want to borrow. Some of them have already finished their final exam and I want them to fulfill their times with reading books that will draw them nearer to Allah.
May Allah bless us all. Ameen.