Reading my girl's blog, I'm astonished of her progress in seeking Allah's pleasure. Just as I'm astonish to her progress with her command of English language. I'm proud of her.
I've been trying to shape her into being a good muslimah (muslim woman) and the task is never easy. Teaching her to curb her words if it's only to win the argument, to dress up in Islamic dressing code, to feel and act like a girl even though she got four brothers and no sister to grow up with, to like cooking since she was small to prepare her for her marriage one day.
Raising up my kids I have never and will never claim that I've been successful. Everything works out simply because Allah has answered all my prayers. I try to wake up at night whenever possible to perform tahajjud, hajat and taubat prayer. Tahajjud prayer is the prayer that can only be performed in the middle of the night, a solid, quiet and serene time where we can concentrate on our prayer since we have no chore waiting for us. Hajat prayer is for special request that we want to ask from Allah. Taubat prayer is to seek forgiveness from Allah from all our sins. It's like preparing a cup of tea. You need hot water, tea leaves and sugar to make a complete cup of tea. Leaving out one of the prayer is like a handicap.
Allah has always, always been very kind to me. Allah will answer my prayers only when the time is ripe. Allah let my kids make their mistakes and they learn the hard way. After that period of self retrospection, they will come back to my husband and I as obedient kids. Praise be to Allah. Allah don't give what we want but Allah gives what we need. And Allah always know better.
Thank you Allah for always being there for me.
curb - (verb) to restrain or keep in check : she promised she would curb her temper.
handicap - a circumstance that makes progress or success difficult : a criminal conviction is a handicap and a label that may stick forever.
retrospection - the action of looking back on or reviewing past events or situations, esp.those in one's own life : he was disinclined to indulge in retrospection.
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