Over the two weeks school holiday I was loaded with school works. Yes, the school was on holidays but we teachers have papers to mark, paper works to do, data base to create, etc. But it was still holidays because I got to cook lunch and dinner for my family while doing my school works.
On the first week I was so tied up with the list of things that I need to do. Cooking and other house choses were done like a zombie - almost without any feeling. Too tense to enjoy myself. But on the second week I decided to give myself a break. The four days that I spend at my hometown I didn't bring any school work along. It was time to enjoy the scenic view and the delectable local dishes. And not to forget my mom's nostalgic cooking. The local dishes are superb. I can order any dish from any stall and each and everyone of them are so delicious. I can't have that luxury here in Kuala Lumpur. You have to pick and choose where you want to eat. And laksa in Kuala Lumpur just doesn't taste the same as in Kedah.
Then back home I squeeze my hobby into my daily chores. Instead of just watering my plants (there are plenty of them) I went to the nursery twice to add some more plants, including vegetable plants. I now have three pots of brinjal and four pots of tomatoes. Not to forget four pots of chilly from two species. I found myself loosen up a bit and have more things to cherish in life. Never mind the number of things that I didn't manage to get done in time. I will find the time to do it later. Never mind that data base wasn't created yet. My family is always more important than my work. Not forgetting my plants. And my fish in the pond. And my chicken in the coop. And the filming of the launching of the water rockets that my little Aiman is making everyday (he watches you tube on water rocket everyday). And listening tot my two sons' experiences at the Pizza Hut working as part time staffs there. And the simplest of all - just sitting down on the garden chair every evening watching my garden.
Thank you Allah for everything. Thank you for each simple and small things. Thank you for this family of mine. Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah.
May Allah bless us all.
delectable - (of food or drink) delicious : delectable handmade chocolates.
• chiefly humorous extremely beautiful or attractive : the delectable Ms. Davis.
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