Today is 12 Rabiulawwal in the calender of hijrah (Islamic calender). It's Prophet Muhammad's birthday, peace be upon him (pbuh). It's no ordinary birthday because it marks the birth of world most famous person. President Obama is world famous person but will his name be remembered 500 years from now? Not anywhere near Prophet Muhammad's name (pbuh).
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has set the best example as a son, husband, father, employer, neighbour, war leader, head of a country, just to name a few. This makes him the best prophet ever sent down by Allah. Being the last prophet after prophet Isa or Jesus Christ, the revelation given to him in the form of Al Qur'an is the most complete as compare to Torah given to Moses and Injil or Old Testament given to Jesus Christ. While Al Qur'an originality is protected by Allah himself, Torah and Old Testament have been rewritten by the rabbi and the pope quite a few times. For that reason alone the two religious books are deemed as unholy anymore. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said that even if the two books are still pure, when Al Qur'an is being sent down the two books are absolete already.
As a good muslim we must love Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) more than anyone else. Many people fear death. To me 'death' does not mean my ties to my loved ones are severed but rather it means new door is opened. The door that allows me to see Allah and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) directly now. Those that I left behind will be taken care of by Allah. I look forward to that moment everyday. May Allah forgive all my sins and accept me as his pious servant. And may Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) accept me as his follower and give me his syafaat or help during the day of judgement.
May the celebration of Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) birthday will make us know him and love him better. May Allah bless us all.
rabbi - Jewish scholar or teacher, esp. one who studies or teaches Jewish law. A person appointed as a Jewish religious leader.
severed - divide by cutting or slicing, esp. suddenly and forcibly : the head was severed from the body | [as adj. ] ( severed) severed limbs. Put an end to (a connection or relationship); break off : he severed his relations with Lawrence.
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