Sunday, February 16, 2014

How do you feel?

Most of my fellow teachers were surprised to get my eldest son's wedding invitation from me. There were four common responses : 
i) Why didn't you tell us before? 
ii) You look so young to get a daughter in law already; 
iii) Ooo.. you are going to be a grand mother soon! and 
iv) How do you feel about your son getting married already?

The last question makes me ponder of my own answers.

Well this is my answer as to how I feel about my eldest son getting married already at the tender age of 24. I have perform my duty as a mother when I carry him in my womb for nine months. I have given birth to him and I was half dead after the process. I had fed him with my own milk for two years. My husband and I have raise him up with education until he graduated as a chemical engineer. My husband and I have taught him wisdom to distinguish between what is right and wrong, to value moral more than money, to help friends in need, to lend a hand whenever possible, to be a diligent worker, and to make wise choice, and many others. Now our duty, as parents, is to marry him off to a pious young woman that can complete the other half of his religion. Some mothers are sad to marry off their son or daughter. My policy - I always choose to be happy not sad. To be happy or sad is not a destiny, it's our choice. Allah has never been unfair to us but on the other hand it is we that have always been unfair to ourselves.

May Allah bless us all.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Stop and ponder

Busy with our work, 
we fail to notice our baby is a toddler now

Tight up with tight schedule
We hardly had times for our spouse

Trying to reach our office on time
We hardly notice the waving branches along the way

Finishing our assignments
We didn't realize our office mates are hungry for our time
   to share her/his problems with us

Working so hard to please our boss
We forget to please our family
   with precious time spend on a holiday

Working hard to make more money for our family
We fail to realize they value our time more
    to be spend with them

If only our kids can pay
to get a few hours of our time
they are willing to pay
to get back their long lost parents

What a poor life
if it is judged 
on how much money we make

What a sad story
to give expensive stuffs as present
when what our family need
is our precious time with them
full of laughter
full of sweet memories

Presents will be forgotten
presents will perish 
but sweet memories will remain 
to our death bed

Appreciate what we have
while we still have it
while we still deserve it
or it will be taken away
leaving us devastated
realizing we have been chasing untouchable rainbows all these while
when beautiful flowers in front of us
wilt away without us realizing
its very existance 

Don't wait
until it's too late

May Allah bless us all. Ameen.