Qanaah. It means to be thankful for every single thing that we have. We can only achieve this if we look at others who are less fortunate than us. We will complaint about our shoes until the day we met someone without a leg.
A relative once complained to me she wish she hold a job to help lessen her husband's burden. Since is jobless since she graduated three years ago. Noble intention. I told her if they can afford it it's better for her to be a full time housewife so that she can raise up her kids on her own. To educate them to be person with good values. No matter how much they earn it will never be enough if they look at others who earn more. But if they compare themselves with others who fare below them them then they will be grateful.
I once watched a documentary about a couple that has 17 kids and they managed to send 13 of their kids to university despite their meager income as rubber tappers. I can't imagine how they did it but they did it well. So well. And I can't imagine them being couples that always complained about their poor state of life. They must have live a difficult life, saving everything they can for the sake of their kids. Such difficult life but they live a contented life despite all the hardship that they have to face. When we have faith in Allah we have all the strength we need to move on.
I once watched a documentary about a couple that has 17 kids and they managed to send 13 of their kids to university despite their meager income as rubber tappers. I can't imagine how they did it but they did it well. So well. And I can't imagine them being couples that always complained about their poor state of life. They must have live a difficult life, saving everything they can for the sake of their kids. Such difficult life but they live a contented life despite all the hardship that they have to face. When we have faith in Allah we have all the strength we need to move on.
Allah has been very generous to me. I have more than enough. The trick is to be thankful every single second of my life. What Allah took from me, Allah will always replace something better. Is there any room for complain? Nauzubillah - Oo Allah, please don't make me one who always complaint. But make me one who's always thankful to You every second of my life. When Allah tested me, it is only to make me stronger. So that I will bounce back with more energy and vigor.
Oo Allah. Forgive me if I forget and complaint. Forgive me if I compare myself with some one better and lament on it. Forgive me if I envy someone richer and sulk. Forgive me if I'm not contented with everything that you have grant me and my family.
May Allah bless us all.
meager - (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality: they were forced to supplement theirmeager earnings.
vigor - physical strength and good health.
• effort, energy, and enthusiasm: they set about the new task with vigor.lament - a passionate expression of grief or sorrow: his mother's night-long laments for his father | a song full of lament and sorrow.
sulk - be silent, morose, and bad-tempered out of annoyance or disappointment: he was sulking over the breakup of his band.